Monday, January 19, 2009

History in the Making

Did ya catch the concert at the Lincoln Memorial yesterday? HBO broadcast it free for nonsubscribers. Pretty moving, I thought. All types of people, all shoulder to shoulder in the crowd enjoying all types of music. Sheryl Crow playing reggae didn't work too well, but the spirit was there! I've read reports that the mood was great, even with the cold and the major traffic situations. Let's hope the spirit keeps up in the years to come.

Even if you're a staunch Republican, you'd have to admit that the message and the hope is a good thing. We've got to stop our government from becoming such an egotistical institution and to start working for someone other than themselves.

Last night there was a special Biography on the History Channel about Martin Luther King, Jr. Even though I grew up in his time, and I remember all the turmoil, this opened my eyes to a lot of things. King has studied Ghandi and was attempting to apply his ideals. I gotta read more about Ghandi. I like the idea of non-violent social change.

Medical Update
The Octogenarians are having a bad day today. Mom is in a lot of pain, she's pretty much sticking to the bed. Daddy isn't feeling too well, he's cold and his stomach hurts. I've managed to do 3 loads of laundry, the dishes and make lunch for everyone. I love being a House Wife, er, Domestic Engineer. Mom has to go in Wednesday for a biopsy on her spine. She's convinced she's got cancer and is going to die, and she's convinced my father the same thing. She's always been negative and stubborn, but both are really making themselves apparent now. Daddy has to go in next Wednesday for a difibulator on his pacemaker. They will keep him overnight. So the next few months will be interesting.

Job Update
Yes, I got a job! This time it took me almost 4 weeks, as opposed to the 6 months in Atlanta. Hhuummm. I will be working on the same contract as before at the Library of Congress, just a different capacity. The salary is very generous, the benefits look pretty good (3 weeks vacation!) and the opportunity sounds great. It's a small woman-owned company with several government contracts and the opportunity to work on all of them. I will be an employee of my company, a contractor with the LOC. I'm excited! I start next Monday. What a relief.

Working Out
Friday evening, I went to the gym for a decent work out, at least a workout. I did the treadmill and some weights. I felt so good afterward the workout. Saturday morning, I didn't feel too stiff, so I went back and did more weights. Sunday I was lucky to move! It was a good pain, and I've been sleeping like a baby. I'm heading up there again as soon as I'm done here.

Oh yeah, the Trees. I've got two companies going out to give me a estimate today. And my transmission came in, I'll have that done tomorrow. See, things will work out!

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